Members enjoyed Oktoberfest with German food, beverages and music.
September 12, SCCA held the second annual Membership Appreciation Mixer in appreciation of the association’s members. The mixer featured an Oktoberfest theme, complete with an assortment of German food and beverages, and live German music. Nearly 160 registered for the event, which was held in the gazebo garden of the Phoenix Club, a German Pub in Anaheim. SCCA President Mike Rodriguez welcomed the group, expressing the association’s appreciation and then special guest Roger Dickenson of Transportation California spoke to the group.
It’s not too soon to consider sponsoring the Membership Appreciation Mixer in 2019. For more information, contact Tino Vasquez at

Tim Carter (left) of Ritchie Bros. with Derek Miller of Quinn CAT

Left to right: Alex Adriano, Chris Adriano and Mike Gonzalez of California Earth Transport with SCCA President Stanley Howard of Howard Contracting.

Left to right: Alicia Di Santo, SCCA staff with Larry Nodland of Nobest and Daniel Huckabay of Commercial Surety Bond Agency.

Left to right: Bob Reed and Tim McVay of Marco Transport, Scott Cleland from Wells Fargo Equipment Financem and Andrew Gwilliam and Robert Allred of Marco Transport.

Left to right: Hod, Denise and Chance Cooper and Shayna Cary of Cooper Engineering with Marissa Mudge of Mudge Fasteners.

Left to right: Lonnie Clausen, Mike Acosta of Blue Diamond Materials, Dick Varela of Contra Construction.

Left to right: Mahyar Ghassemian of Ghassemian Law Group, Tanya Anderson and Alejandra Mouzis of The Mouzis Law Firm, and Claudia Ross of Marina Landscape.

Left to right: Rob Regier of ARTBA, Greg Salsbury of Salsbury Engineering, Roger Dickenson of Transportation California and Dan Ugalde of California Earth Transport.

Left to right: Wes May of ECA, John Hakel of Southern California Partnership for Jobs, Mike Bubalo of Bubalo Construction, and Jim Gasparo of Cooley Equiment.

Left to right: Steve Ward of Pavement Recycling Systems with Mike Crawford and Steve Yurosek of Sukut Construction.

Tim Carter (left) of Ritchie Bros. with Derek Miller of Quinn CAT

Warren Schmidt (left) with Rick Ramani of Claremont Equipment