
Advocates for federal investment in the U.S. transportation infrastructure.

The American Road & Transportation Builders Association is the U.S. transportation construction industry’s representative in Washington D.C. ARTBA’s mission is to advocate strong federal investment in the nation’s transportation infrastructure to meet public demand for a safe and efficient transportation network. The industry ARTBA represents generates more than $200 billion in U.S. economic activity annually and employs 2.5 million Americans. SCCA is the proud Southern California Chapter of ARTBA.

How ARTBA is working for SCCA members

  • ARTBA’s legal advocacy program is one of the most valuable and tangible SCCA member benefits, focused exclusively on protecting transportation design and construction industry market interests from dubious regulations or unnecessary litigation.

  • The program takes on difficult cases in which no single organization or business could fight alone against government agencies or well-funded anti-growth opponents.

  • ARTBA regularly files “friend-of-the-court” briefs, a valuable tool in helping ensure the industry’s voice is heard in cases where the outcome could negatively impact transportation improvements.

  • Since the early 1990s, ARTBA’s litigation initiatives have led to $58 billion in approved U.S. transportation projects and plans to move forward.


Join ARTBA with SCCA’s special discounted rate.

Learn More
  • The ARTBA and SCCA alliance means our members in transportation construction are eligible for a greatly reduced membership rate to their prestigious organization. Your ARTBA membership gives you access to the latest information in transportation construction, safety programs, and news from Capitol Hill, plus a strong voice in Washington.

  • Combine that with SCCA’s strengths — union representation, air and water quality regulation activities, workers’ compensation premium savings programs, effective Sacramento action, Caltrans relationships and work with regional transportation authorities — and you have a powerful force working together to grow and protect your industry.

Member-led, member-governed.

Get a seat at the table and make your voice heard.